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New Possibilities for a New Year

January 07, 2019

Now that the holiday season is officially over, it is time to start working on those New Year’s resolutions. While most people make plans to exercise and eat healthy, it does not mean that you can’t have fun while doing it. With that in mind, you should consider attending the Restaurantour & Tasting event at the Garden City Hotel’s Red Salt Room on Thursday, January 17. As you enjoy a 4-course dinner, you will be treated to a selection of incredible Italian wines. Your taste buds will be delighted by delicacies such as Cassonceli, Quail Saltimbocca, and Tomahawk Steak. For more information and to purchase tickets, click here. Speaking of the Red Salt Room by David Burke, it will be a featured stop during Long Island Restaurant Week. From January 27- February 3, there will be a special prix fixe menu offered nightly. All year long, the Red Salt  Room by David Burke is the place to go for delicious offerings that will help you accomplish all of your New Year’s goals.

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